Ups she did it again.
The newest Lucy is there…and she came by train. The cat thought they will make a holliday trip together…bad Lucy.
The piece of wood is sprayed with stencils. Size round about 60x30cm.
Ups she did it again.
The newest Lucy is there…and she came by train. The cat thought they will make a holliday trip together…bad Lucy.
The piece of wood is sprayed with stencils. Size round about 60x30cm.
Little Lucy was in Xberg again.
…is kitty dead again?
some impressions from march 2024…preparing some new posters. the sainson will start in a few days I hope.
check the new green-grey burner…here:
Am Donnerstag den 29.2.24 ab 18h bei meinem besten Homie in der Kunstmeistergallerie in der Simon-von Utrecht-Str. 86, 20359 Hamburg
Wird lustig…kommt bunt wie Hamburg.
Nie gezeigte Fotos, Prints, Leinwände, Drinks, Skulpturen…yeah.
Diesen Freitag ab 18h / Goethestr 81, 10623 Berlin Charlottenburg.