Ups she did it again.
The newest Lucy is there…and she came by train. The cat thought they will make a holliday trip together…bad Lucy.
The piece of wood is sprayed with stencils. Size round about 60x30cm.
Ups she did it again.
The newest Lucy is there…and she came by train. The cat thought they will make a holliday trip together…bad Lucy.
The piece of wood is sprayed with stencils. Size round about 60x30cm.
Little Lucy was in Xberg again.
…is kitty dead again?
Berlin P-Berg
Endlich gibt es die Lucy Prints wieder. Alle Kids yo Yeah…alle Katzen so What the fuck?
hier der link zum Blutbad. Link
Die Druckqualität ist überragend und rückseitig gibt es ein schönes Stempel-special.
Gegenüber der Tabakbörse (bester Späti) in Hamburg.
Some small styro pieces near the line.